St. Luke's
St. Luke's operates St. Luke's Proctor Fitness Center, located in Proctor High School. The Center, available to both students and community members, aims to foster health and wellness in the Proctor area. St. Luke's is also the title sponsor of the St. Luke's Sports and Events Center and provides athletic training services for all of Proctor's school-sponsored sports.
WITC Superior provides Child Development classes on the Proctor High School campus for students in Esko, Hermantown, and Proctor. From the Marketing Director, "WITC is ranked in the top ten best two-year colleges in the nation. WITC offers over 100 career programs and certificates to choose from , and financial aid is available. Take classes close to home! Call 800.243.WITC for more information."
Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Grant Program
Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Grant Program awarded a Coastal Program grant in 2006 to support environmental preservation and education efforts in Proctor's Bay View School Forest. This project was funded in part by the Coastal Zone Management Act, NOAA's Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, in cooperation with Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program.
Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS)
University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships Assists Proctor Public Schools in networking with agencies promoting environmental stewardship and sustainable energy, and in determining curricular approaches to sustainability within the school system. CERTS gives community members a voice in energy planning by connecting them with the technical resources necessary to develop regional strategic energy plans and to identify and implement community-scale energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Learn more at
Community Memorial Hospital and Sunnyside Health Care Center
Awarded funds to begin and sustain Health Occupations program at Proctor High School, 2003-05, which now continues operation at Esko High School and serves 20-30 students per year.
Duluth Sister Cities International
Supports relationship-building between greater Duluth area and Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation and facilitates interaction between students and school staff to share information on environmental, arts and intergenerational programming.
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation hosts both Proctor’s Educational Endowment and Scholarship funds; has awarded grant funding for past Proctor projects (1992--05) focusing on literacy, global education, district feasibility planning, Pride survey, civics, science exploration, and community center development. Awarded Touchstone Gold Award to Proctor project in 2004.
Family Service Collaborative of Southern St. Louis County
The mission of the Family Service Collaborative of Southern St. Louis County is: "Improving the lives of children and their families by working together to provide integrated prevention and early intervention strategies. For Proctor Public Schools, the FSCSLC supports development of sustainable mental health counseling and nursing services."
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College provides College in the School opportunities for Proctor students in German and Art, and also provides outreach to high school students interested in post-secondary training for many career options.
Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom
Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom is a public/private partnership between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the non-profit Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation. MAITC provides classroom resources and project grants to students and teachers in the Proctor Public Schools in an effort to enhance their understanding and appreciation of agriculture and the food and fiber system.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources awarded a Conservation Partners grant to develop a management plan and begin restoration of the Pike Lake School Forest in 2001. Funding for this grant was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural resource Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources.
Minnesota Power is an active partner in Proctor's wind turbine project and other educational efforts. Since 2001, Minnesota Power has awarded grant funding for turbine development, math hands-on learning activities, school forest structure development, Bay View archeological survey, and Pride survey.
Minnesota Schools Cutting Carbon
Minnesota Schools Cutting Carbon is a three-year initiative of the Clean Energy Resource Teams, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Minnesota Office of Energy Security to give 103 Minnesota public high schools, colleges, and universities technical assistance and mini-grants to make their schools more energy efficient and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Proctor Secondary Schools have already completed and energy assessment through this project and have been awarded a $500 mini-grant for teams of middle school students to work on projects that reduce our carbon footprint. These teams are currently seeking to be part of the next phase of MN Schools Cutting Carbon project which could allow some major "green" projects to happen around the middle school-high school complex.
The Minnesota State Arts Board is a state agency dedicated to ensuring that all Minnesotans have the opportunity to participate in the arts. In 2005, the Arts Board awarded funds to begin Arts Planning in Proctor Public Schools Community which provides a framework for continued arts program development.
Moline Machinery
Moline Machinery donated vertical mill and material for the SONTEC Machine Technology Program at PHS.
Northland Foundation currently leads Early Childhood and Thrive Initiatives to improve learning outcomes for young children, and has supported many Proctor projects since 1991. Examples include literacy, broadcasting, child care, machining and construction, Railway Catering, Pike Lake School Store, technology, forest trail development and community center development.
Ordean Foundation
Partner in sustaining Proctor's alternative education program including Printshop career components; also awarded funds for development, startup and operation of Proctor Area Community Center from 1991-93.
Rails Endowment for Academic, Art and Athletic Development
REA3D is Proctor’s educational endowment, from which grant awards are made twice each year. REA3D is dedicated to supporting life-long learning within the Proctor School District communities. See website for details.
Southwest Minnesota State University
SMSU provides College in the School credits for Proctor students enrolled in French Language courses. Richard Shearer, Director of SMSU Enrollment Management says, "SMSU offers over 40 majors in a smaller, more personal environment. Having invested over $77 million in campus since 2002, our focus remains on the student."
United Way of Greater Duluth - Supports efforts to promote Kindergarten school readiness for Proctor pre-school children. United Way of Greater Duluth is proud to be a community partner in the effort to ensure all children are prepared to learn in Kindergarten through participation in collaborative projects focused on establishing local baseline data on readiness and mobilizing strategies to address needs identified.
WP RS Mars Co.
WP Mars donated tooling for startup of Proctor Machine Tech program, strong supporter of SONTEC program development. Quote from the chairman on the topic of Proctor's machining program, "Technical knowledge for our young people is important for jobs and job creation in this area."