When severe weather conditions or other school emergencies exist, the Superintendent of Proctor Public Schools is authorized by the Proctor School Board to close schools or delay the start of school day two hours.
The decision to close or delay the start of school due to severe weather will be made prior to 5:00 AM. Unless you hear an announcement over local TV and radio stations that schools are closed or delayed, you can assume that school will be in session as scheduled. Your cooperation in not calling stations or schools regarding possible closure is appreciated. All families, especially those with elementary age students, should have a contingency plan for their children in the event of weather-related school closings or two hour late start.
How Is the Decision Made?
The Superintendent and Proctor school district transportation personnel are up at 3:30AM checking local weather outlets and the National Weather Service reports. Generally, we're on the road by 4:00AM personally checking conditions.
The Superintendent will also consult with Superintendent and Transportation Directors from Duluth, Superior, and Hermantown school districts.
Additionally, Proctor Public Schools Superintendent may consult with the Proctor Police Department, MNDOT, the state highway patrol, and other city and county departments that handle plowing.
After consultation, the decision to close or delay school will be made by 5:00AM and an automated call will go out between 5:30 and 6:00 AM. We know that making a decision later than that is difficult because District school buses begin to hit the road by about 6:00AM, and if we wait to make a decision, the more difficult it is for parents and guardians to plan the day.
Proctor schools rarely dismiss early. During severe weather, parents always have the option of picking up their child early from school. Please know that when it comes to winter weather, we encourage and strongly support you in making the decision that is best for your child. You are the best judge of your child's health and safety. The school board and administration realize that a decision for the majority of students may not fit with your individual circumstances. A decision to keep your child home or pick up your child early from school for safety reasons will be considered an excused absence.